Chapter 8

Disclaimer: They are not mine, they are NOT mine, they are SO not mine! Sigh.

Dedication: This story is dedicated to Lady T for filling in for me, for putting up with my oddities and for going above and beyond the call of duty. The girl is a saint! ; )

The next morning came quickly and I arose to meet the day, excited and full of hope. I took care of the animals first and was relieved to find that I had lost no more chickens overnight. When I was finished outside, I went in and took a long, luxurious bath. I washed myself with care, taking time to use my favorite lilac-scented bath oil and spending much more time with my hair than usual.

It was about noon when I came downstairs to check on the roast, and heard loud banging in the back yard. I walked out and was surprised to find Thomas hammering together what appeared to be a large box of some kind. I understood immediately as I looked aside to see a very large dog tied to a tree. He was constructing a dog-house! I groaned and walked out to him.

"Thomas, I told you I was afraid of dogs! What are you doing?" I was annoyed, but he just laughed.

"Good morning to you, too, Elizabeth!" he teased. "That is why I got you a very large, very FRIENDLY dog," he said motioning to the huge black beast who stood wagging his tail across the yard. "He probably won't attack anyone for you, but he should let you know if you have reason to worry."

He laughed at my worried expression and took my hand pulling me over in the direction of the dog. "Look, I will show you, he is extremely affectionate." He released my hand and walked directly to the dog who stood and licked his hand as he patted him on the head. "He is called a Newfoundland. Come over here and pet him, he will not hurt you, I promise."

I gave him a cynical stare and slowly walked a little closer to the dog. "He's been trained not to jump on you. Reach out and pat him on the head. Come on." I hesitated and he took my hand gently and walked with me to the dog. He stood close beside me and encouraged me to touch it. I did, and was amazed at the softness of its thick black coat.

"The worst this dog may do is drool on you," he chuckled. Then his voice lowered as he leaned in close to my neck, "and that would be a shame, as you do smell especially nice today." He was so close and my body immediately reacted to the compliment. I swallowed and felt my face growing hot and flushed.

"Thank you for the dog -- and for caring." I said quietly. He nodded and winked and my heart sang. "Have you had dinner?" I asked, trying not to sound too hopeful. He shook his head. "Fine. As soon as you've finished, let me know. It will be ready any time you are."

He nodded and I patted the dog again before I went inside. I hadn't remembered how nice it was having a man about the place doing those things that men are so good at, and then I blushed, for no one to see, when an indecent thought came to mind regarding things that men are good at.

He finished the dog-house and then went to work on the hen-house. He had brought supplies in a wagon and it was out in the front yard with his horse. I watched out the windows as he worked.

He had on a white cotton shirt with no jacket, and it clung to the perspiration on his body as he had grown hot working in the heat of the day. Eventually he took the shirt off altogether, and I marveled at the strength of his body. He was extremely well muscled for a man his age, and I could not take my eyes off of him.

When he was finished, he came to the door. "Do you mind if I wash before eating?" he asked shyly.

"Not at all," I said, pretending I had not been staring at his chest for the last hour. I took a large pitcher of water up to my room and filled the washbasin on my dresser. It was difficult, being alone with him in the room where I had dreamed of him all night. I was shaking when I poured the water and I was sure he noticed. "I will be downstairs in the kitchen when you are ready."

He nodded, smiling at me and set his shirt on my chair. I left the room quickly, afraid of myself more than anything else.

He must have had extra clothes in the wagon because, when he returned to the kitchen, he was dressed in a suit and looking very handsome. "I have a meeting this afternoon," he said apologetically. "I am afraid I will have to eat quickly and leave. I do apologize for that."

"Nonsense," I replied sincerely. "I appreciate your taking the time to come here and help me when you are so busy."

"I enjoyed it," he said softly, sitting down across from me at the table. "This smells delicious!"

We enjoyed our short dinner together. Thomas told me that he had brought food for the dog but that I could also feed him food-scraps from the house. He thought I would be safer keeping the dog inside with me, but I let him know that it would most likely be a long time before I felt THAT comfortable with it.

I asked him if he had heard or seen anything about Silas Hamilton and he said that he had not. He had checked on the mill that morning and everything had seemed secure. He told me not to worry; he was keeping watch and he had Mr. Bradford helping him search for a suitable replacement.

He seemed to enjoy the food immensely and he certainly had a hearty appetite. It was over too soon and time for him to go and I was very nervous as he prepared to leave. The previous day had been so full of the first meeting and awkwardness and then touching and so much wanting. This day had been quite different, but I could not help hoping that he would kiss me again.

I followed him out to the wagon and he stopped, just before he climbed up, searching my face for something. I had no idea what he wanted me to do.

"Thank you for the delicious dinner, Elizabeth," he said softly, drawing my name out in a beautiful and seductive way that caused my heart to flutter.

"Thank you for helping me with the chickens, and for the dog, I'm sure he was far too expensive a..." he cut off my words by stepping closer.

"Thank you for looking and smelling so beautiful," he said, barely above a whisper, reaching out a hand to touch a stray curl.

I swallowed and blushed, not wanting the new game to end. "Thank you for removing your shirt while you worked," I whispered boldly.

He chuckled softly and winked, nodding and moving in much closer, his mouth almost at my ear. He spoke very softly, and his voice was hoarse with desire. "Thank you -- for allowing me wash in your bedroom," he snarled softly in my ear and a shiver ran through my entire body.

I struggled to breathe as I whispered very softly into his ear. "I must confess to you, Thomas... I lay in that bed all last night and dreamed of nothing but you."

He groaned loudly, pulling me into his arms. "You do not play by the rules, Elizabeth!" his voice was shaking.

"Who ever said that YOU get to make the rules?" I laughed. I surprised him by leaning forward and kissing him first. I hesitated, licking my lips nervously for just a moment before I pressed them softly against his. I showered him with soft, light kisses and then parted my lips and ran my tongue softly across his mouth.

He moaned and pulled me closer, pressing his mouth hard over mine and forcing my lips open with his. His tongue moved into my mouth and I met it eagerly with mine, circling it slowly and seductively. It was a hot, wet, long kiss and we were both almost completely lost in it. He pulled away finally, his breathing ragged. "You are making it very difficult for me to leave," he said hoarsely. "And it is a very important meeting."

"I am sorry." I moaned against his neck, scarcely able to breathe. "Will I see you again?"

"Absolutely," he whispered against my hair. He kissed the top of my head before he moved to get on the wagon, and I struggled to fight off the tears as I watched him drive away.


Logan shook the cobwebs out of his head and drew a deep, shuddering breath in, letting it out slowly and loudly. He had to hand it to the kid, he would definitely have said "Screw the meeting Darlin', this is WAY more important."

He got up and lit another cigar, walking around the room for a few minutes, stretching and bending. Maybe the Silas guy had just left and wasn't going to bother them. He frowned, wondering who the kid was going to meet.

He took the ash-tray off of the desk and brought it to the bed. He flopped down unceremoniously on his stomach and opened the book, being careful to keep the cigar well away from it.

CHAPTERS:   Prologue   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26

All references to characters belonging to the X-Men Universe are (c) and TM the Marvel Comics Group, 20th Century Fox and all related entities. All rights reserved. Any reproduction, duplication or distribution of these materials in any form is expressly prohibited. No money is being made from this archive. All images are also (c) and TM the Marvel Comics Group, 20th Century Fox and all related entities; they are not mine. This website, its operators and any content used on this site relating to the X-Men are not authorized by Marvel, Fox, etc. I am not, nor do I claim to be affiliated with any of these entities in any way.