Chapter 20

Disclaimer: They are not mine, they are NOT mine, they are SO not mine! Sigh.

Dedication: This story is dedicated to Lady T for filling in for me, for putting up with my oddities and for going above and beyond the call of duty. The girl is a saint! ; )

When I awoke the next morning, he was gone. I was almost relieved. The night had been the perfect ending and I felt a strong sense of closure. I had learned many things and I truly felt comforted in the fact that I had been able to teach him something about himself. I was so thankful that he had returned, but I wasn't sure if I could have taken another goodbye.

He had left me another note, and I had to smile as I read it, even though I was nearly blinded by tears.

Even in the end, he had known exactly the right thing to say to comfort me and, as I read it over and over and over, I knew again with certainty that I would never know anyone as wonderful as him.


Logan took a well-worn folded piece of paper out of the book and opened and read it. "To the love of my life, I promise that I will never, ever forget you either. Thomas"

Huge, hot tears began rolling down his haggard face and he did not even bother to wipe them away.

His heart was breaking as he remembered all of the feelings that he had shared with the boy in the story. He remembered the first time that he had a clear image of his own hands as long, sharp metal claws had shot painfully out of them. He remembered the terror and the horror of the first time he had felt them plunge deeply into the body of a man. He remembered with disturbing clarity, the excited rush that had filled his senses as he breathed in the scent of the man's fresh, hot blood.

He allowed himself the rare pleasure of sobbing quietly alone in his room as he relived the pain and self doubt, the struggle to conquer the beast within, the pain of living life alone, never free to give yourself completely to even the best of women.

It was very comforting letting it all out and, once the tears had started, he didn't seem to want them to stop. He put the book down gently and rolled over, drawing one of his pillows in tightly to his chest and burying his face in the bed as he let go completely, sobbing himself into an exhausted, dreamless sleep.

CHAPTERS:   Prologue   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26

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