Fiction by Title
Titles Beginning With the Letter L

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Lack of Restraint  by  Diebin
Movieverse. Scott puts on his Matchmaker cap.
Logan/Rogue. Rated PG13.

Ladies' Night Out  by  Ally
Movieverse. The X-Women decide that it's time to raise a little money for charity the FUN way.
Logan/Rogue. Rated PG13.

The Last Command  by  Tygerzeye  
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Comicverse. Set in the last days of World War Two, Logan becomes seperated from his unit and meets up with an unusual band of Resistance Fighters.
Logan/Original Character. Rated NC17.

The Last Fight  by  HuntMDL
Movieverse. He's the King of the Cage, but at what price?
Logan. Rated PG13.

Last Man Standing  by  Jocelyn and Navaeh
Movieverse. Logan, Scott, Jean, and Storm have a wild night at a local bar.
Logan. Rated PG13.

The Last Night  by  Zerelda X
Comicverse. Part Fifteen of Pieces of Your Soul. One last chance to change your mind.
Logan/Original Character. Series Rated NC17 Overall.

The Last Piece  by  Zerelda X
Comicverse. Part Thirty-Nine of Pieces of Your Soul. You have to get up really early for the last piece of pie.
Logan/Original Character. Series Rated NC17 Overall.

Late Chances  by  CL
Comicverse. Part One of the X-Men: Chances series. Logan supports Storm at her weakest point and possibly builds the strongest bond ever between them.
Logan/Storm. Rated PG13.

Later  by  Elizabeth Wilde
Movieverse. Expands on Logan and Jean's final conversation in the movie.
Logan/Jean. Rated PG.

The Law of Unintended Consequences  by  Rachel the Gerbil
Movieverse. Logan's reckless actions have unintended consequences.
Logan/Rogue. Rated R.

Lazarus Undone  by  darkstar
Movieverse. When is it too late to come back?
Logan/Rogue. Rated G.

Learning How To Smile  by  Donna Bevan
Movieverse. Part Three of the Finding You Series. Rogue is trying to rebuild Marie, but Logan won't leave her alone. And it's not what you think.
Logan/Rogue. Rated PG13.

Learning the Language  by  Blu
Comicverse. During the early days of the Uncanny X-Men, Logan helps a still-adjusting Piotr learn the English language, and the two develop a close friendship that turns into an intimate bond and teaches them both about the meaning to be found in life's relationships.
Logan/Colossus. Rated NC17.

Learning to Touch  by  E. Vangie
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Movieverse. Logan returns to the X-mansion and helps Rogue learn to control her powers.
Logan/Rogue. Rated PG13.

Lemonade  by  Libby Edwards
Movieverse. A goofy childhood game sends Logan and Storm down an unexpected path.
Logan/Storm. Rated NC17.

Lesser Evil  by  Kizmet
Comicverse. A fic-ish presentation of all the all the rampent speculating I've been doing about Ultimate X-Men #29.
Logan/Jean. Rated PG13.

Lessons Before Bedtime  by  Beth
Alternaverse. Rogue asks Logan an... interesting... question before bed.
Logan/Rogue. Rated NC17.

Letters to Charlie  by  Gatekeeper
Kate isn't about to be stopped by a little thing like time.
Rated PG.

Letting Go  by  Jenn
Movieverse. Part Three of How Things Change. Sequel to Projections. Identity is explored and men do manly things.
Logan/Jean. Rated R.

Letting Go 3.1  by  Elizabeth Wilde
Movieverse. Last Part of Driving Force. Scott's return prompts Jean to do some soul-searching.
Logan/Jean. Rated PG.

All references to characters belonging to the X-Men Universe are (c) and TM the Marvel Comics Group, 20th Century Fox and all related entities. All rights reserved. Any reproduction, duplication or distribution of these materials in any form is expressly prohibited. No money is being made from this archive. All images are also (c) and TM the Marvel Comics Group, 20th Century Fox and all related entities; they are not mine. This website, its operators and any content used on this site relating to the X-Men are not authorized by Marvel, Fox, etc. I am not, nor do I claim to be affiliated with any of these entities in any way.