Chapter 7

The idea for this story came to me one morning while I was half asleep and it just went from there. I wanna thank LT and especially Deke for all their beta help on this and Elektra for leads on research and basically just listening while I rattled :-).

This is another one of my odd jumbles of Movieverse and comic canon. It's Movieverse Logan with comic book Logan's background although I've taken some liberties with the timeline of Logan's epiphany.

I've also taken some literary license with the existence of burlesque theaters in New York City in the 40's since Mayor Fiorello La Guardia actually began shutting them down in 1937 but I'm sure you all don't really care ;-)

Disclaimer: Logan and anyone else you recognize belong to Marvel and 20th Century Fox. Everyone else is mine but I'm willing to share 'em. I'm poor and not making any money of this so please don't sue me.

Feedback: Fugu me, man!

They sat together in Union Square Park. It was dark, but there were still plenty of people walking around. The cast and crew were on dinner break before the evening performances and Logan wanted to be alone with Nina somewhere besides the theater or the greasy spoon where everyone generally went to eat.

He held her hand in silence for a few minutes, just enjoying her company.

"Nina, darlin', how committed are ya to the idea of a house on Long Island?"

She gave him a puzzled look. "What do you mean?"

"I mean is it the idea of Long Island you like, or the house or is it both?"

"I guess," she began slowly, sifting through her feelings on the subject, "it's mostly about having a house and a good environment for Michael more than anything. I guess I just decided on Long Island because I hear of so many people moving there. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I spoke to an army buddy of mine this morning. He tells me Edmonton is booming since the war is over, the gas and oil industry is growing and there's a lot of building going on. He offered me a job as a foreman for his construction company."

She smiled at him. "Logan, you're going to be my husband. I'll go wherever you want me to go."

He laughed, relieved that she'd agreed so easily. He put his arm around her shoulder.

"Darlin', you'll love Canada. Alberta is beautiful country, right where the Rockies meet the prairie. I'll be able to take Mike camping and fishing all the time. It's a good place for a boy to grow up."

"How can I argue with that when you turned out so well?" She cuffed him playfully on the shoulder. "Do you have any idea when you'd like to do this?"

"Well, I guess that all depends on when I can get you to set a date," he teased. He glanced down at his watch. "Guess we'd better get back. Curtain is in a half hour."

Logan was manning one of the fly ropes ready to whisk the scenery out of the way for Brandy's strip when Joe came running up, breathless.

"Where is she?" He whispered frantically to Logan.


"Brandy! She's on in two and she's not set! I'm putting Windy on in her place but you better go check on her!"

Logan swore under his breath and raced for Brandy's dressing room. He knocked and called her name but got no answer. He could hear the muffled sound of movement through the door. Trying the knob he found it locked. He stepped back a few paces and rammed the door with his shoulder. The flimsy lock gave under the strain and the door flew back.

The sight that greeted him sent his stomach lurching into his throat. Brandy was huddled on the floor in the corner wearing her dressing gown, sobbing into her hands. Her beautiful blonde hair was scattered around her in clumps on the floor and he could see that what was left on her head had been chopped very raggedly. It looked like it had been done with a straight razor.

"Oh my God!" Logan sank to his knees and took the sobbing woman in his arms, rocking her as she cried against him. "What happened, darlin'?" He asked, although judging from the scents he was picking up he could pretty well guess and he could feel the rage building.

He went to the sink and got her a glass of water. She sipped and he held her and stroked her hair until the sobs died away and her hiccups subsided.

He moved with her to the little chaise lounge and sat down. She was still crying softly but she told him what happened.

"I was sitting here putting on my make-up. The door opened and I thought it was Windy but it was Rosie and Bubbles. They locked the door behind them." She was getting agitated again with the memory, and Logan rubbed her back soothingly. She took a deep breath and continued. "They locked the door behind them and they both held me down while Rosie hacked off my hair." She collapsed against him in sobs again.

Jesus Christ! He was gonna have that bitch's guts for garters! He was so angry he felt like pulling the place down around their ears and was ready to confront Rosie that very second, but he pushed it back. Brandy was more important.

"It's alright, honey. She's gonna be out of here very soon." He got up to go get Joe but she frantically grasped his hand.

"No! Don't leave me," she began sobbing again and he sat back down.

Brandy wanted to kick herself. She never, ever cried but it seemed that now that she had started she couldn't stop. It felt so right crying into Logan's shirt, and he was so warm and strong and comforting. She suspected now she wasn't just crying about the humiliating experience of having the other two women hold her down and cut her hair but also for all the things she'd never let herself cry about over the years; leaving home, having an illegitimate child, giving up her dreams of dancing in the ballet. It felt so good to finally cry it all out.

Joe stepped in and took in the scene, an incredulous look on his face.

"Rosie?" He asked Logan in a disgusted voice.

Logan scowled. "Yeah, and her accomplice, Bubbles." Logan said referring to Rosie's best friend among the other strippers. "That frail's gotta be certifiable. She knows she's out on her ass after this."

"Both of them are," Joe said grimly. A couple of lucky chorus girls were going to be getting promotions tonight. He turned to Brandy. "Honey, you get dressed and I'll have Logan take you home. Windy can strip in your spot again in the late show. Don't worry about being here for the first one tomorrow either. You go get your hair done and come in whenever you're up to it. Logan, can I ask you to keep an eye on her? I know you two live in the same building. Would you mind taking her home now and staying with her tomorrow?"

"Thanks, Joe," Brandy sniffled.

Logan stood guard outside the door while Brandy changed back into her street clothes. He had the perfect vantage point to witness the scene with Rosie. Joe came storming out of her dressing room, three doors down.

"You're out of here, Rosie! Don't come back or I'll call the cops. I swear I will. How can I run a professional operation with a lunatic like you terrorizing my best stripper?"

Rosie came flying out after him; her hands clawed, ready to scratch his eyes out, but he caught her wrists.

"Your best stripper? Ha! That's a laugh. I'm your best stripper! Too bad you never realized it. You always cosseted that little blonde bruja, gave her everything. She's even got my man now."

Logan could feel his blood beginning to boil. He walked to where she and Joe were struggling, pulled her off the older man and tossed her back through the dressing room door.

He advanced on her, eyes blazing fire. She backed away until she was against the dressing table and there was nowhere else to go.

"What did I tell you Rosie?" He said, his voice low and menacing. "What did I tell you I would do if you hurt Brandy again?"

Rosie's face went pale. The cold fury in Logan's eyes turned her knees to water and she clutched at the edge of the table to keep from falling.

"Joe!" Logan called over his shoulder. The older man came into the room. Logan grabbed a suitcase that was in the closet and handed it to him. "Pack her stuff. She's leaving. Now!" He turned to the trembling redhead. "You! Get on your coat and shoes. I'm not even going to wait for you to change."

He watched as she crossed to the closet, never moving her eyes from him. She took out her coat and street shoes and put them on, buttoning the coat closed with trembling hands. When she had her coat on he was next to her with lightening speed. Logan grabbed her around the waist and threw her over his shoulder.

She suddenly came back to herself as the blood began rushing to her head. "Logan!" She shrieked. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Rosie, I told you if you ever hurt Brandy again I was gonna throw you out on your ass myself. I also told you I don't make idle threats." He began striding down the hall. People stopped in their tracks to watch the scene. Brandy stood at the door to her dressing room with her mouth hanging open in amazement.

Joe followed them with the suitcase as Rosie kicked and shrieked and beat her fists impotently against Logan's back.

"Don't do this, Logan! I'm warning you. You won't hear the end of this. I'll make your life miserable."

Logan ignored her and continued out the door and up Irving Place to Fourteenth Street where he hailed a cab. Pulling the back door open he threw the woman down on the back seat. Joe pushed the suitcase in after her and slammed the door. Logan gave the cab driver the address through the driver's side window and the cab sped off. Both men stood at the curb watching it drive away and heaved a sigh of relief.

Brandy was waiting at the stage door wide-eyed when they came back. "Oh my gosh! What was that all about?"

"Just gettin' rid of the trash, darlin'." Logan said grimly. He sighed and ran his hands through his hair, the tension and anger ebbing out of him now that Rosie was gone. He hugged Brandy to him. "I'll just get my things and we can get the hell out of here."

Brandy was quiet and withdrawn on the cab ride home. She huddled very close to Logan, her face buried against the front of his coat. He held her tightly; instinctively knowing she needed the comfort of his presence.

He walked her up to her apartment. Mrs. L had just put Mike to bed when they came in. Nina had her scarf wrapped around her head to cover her hair and carried her hat. She retreated to the bedroom head bowed, not saying anything to the older woman.

Mrs. L looked after her obviously curious.

"She's not feeling well. I brought her home." Logan said by way of explanation. It wasn't exactly a lie.

"Poor dear," Mrs. Lieberman said, clucking her tongue. "She's been having a hard time of it lately. You're such a good friend to take care of her."

He smirked at her. "Well, Mrs. L, thanks to your little stunt the other night we're a little more than friends now. We'll be getting married as soon as I can convince her to set a date."

Mrs. Lieberman burst into a huge grin and hugged him. "Mazel Tov, as we say, young man! That's the most wonderful news I've heard in a long time. Now you go take care of your intended and I'll see you both in the morning."

Logan could hear the sounds of splashing in the bathroom and knocked on the door. "Are you alright in there, darlin'?"

Her muffled voice carried through the door. "I'm fine, Logan. I'm just washing up."

"Call me if you need anything."

He went to the kitchen and put the teakettle on. He'd make her a cup of tea and make sure she got into bed before heading downstairs. There was a six-pack in the icebox calling his name.

He heard the bathroom door open and the soft 'flap-flap' of her slippers on the hardwood floor. He turned to find her standing in the doorway wrapped in a fluffy chenille bathrobe, her eyes downcast and shoulders slumped. She'd washed her hair and even though one side was still longer than the other he could see it was a lot curlier now that it was short.

She looked so forlorn he felt like a huge fist was squeezing his heart. It hurt to look at her. He held his arms out and she ran into the circle of his embrace, burying her face into his chest. He could feel her tiny shoulders quaking with mute sobs and her tears soaking the front of his shirt.

He looked down, trying to get her to meet his eyes. He tugged on a stray curl to get her attention. "Hey, don't worry. Everything is gonna be alright. You'll go get it fixed tomorrow and it will look fine. " She raised her head, sniffled and wiped her runny nose with her sleeve. "Actually, I'm getting used to the short hair. The curls are kinda cute."

She sniffled again. "It's my own fault. I jinxed myself by thinking I was going to look so beautiful on our wedding day."

"Darlin', you will look beautiful on our wedding day. I have no doubt in my mind about that. Now let's get you into bed." He spun her around by the shoulders and gave her a familiar pat on the rump to get her moving in the direction of the bedroom. He followed with the teacup.

She took off her bathrobe and climbed between the covers. He handed her the teacup and watched approvingly while she sipped the soothing brew. Placing the drink down she slid over to make room for him to sit on the edge of the bed.

He sat down against the headboard and put his arms around her. Nina placed her head in his lap with her arms around his waist. They sat there quietly and he stroked her head gently. When he thought she was asleep he quietly started to move away but she grabbed him back again.

"No! Don't go. Stay at least until I'm asleep. I don't want to be alone."

He smiled indulgently. "Alright, darlin'. I'll stay." He sat back against the headboard again and she put her head back in his lap and closed her eyes. He fell asleep stroking her hair.

Logan awoke suddenly around five, completely disoriented. After a few seconds he realized he'd fallen asleep in Nina's bed and sometime during the night she'd moved to spoon against him. He looked down to see he was on top of the covers fully dressed. He lay still for a moment reveling in the feel of her heat against him through the sheet and quilt. His heart swelled at the thought that soon he would wake up next to this beautiful woman every single morning.

He buried his face in the back of her head and inhaled her sweet fragrance before reluctantly slipping off the bed. He had enough time to run back downstairs to shower and change then he'd come back up and make breakfast for Mikey and Nina. He smiled; he had a few errands to run while she had her hair done.

He had finished up and was back in her apartment while she was in the shower. He went to the refrigerator and pulled out some eggs and bacon. He poked around and found a packet of margarine that looked to be new; Nina hadn't added the yellow dye yet and it was still a sickly lard color. He grabbed the coffee pot and added water before scooping the grounds into the basket. Setting it on the stove to perk he went to wake Mikey and get him dressed.

Logan was just sliding the eggs and bacon onto a plate when Nina came in dressed and ready to start the day. Mikey was sitting at the table eating a bowl of cornflakes and some toast.

"Morning, Mommy," he said. He looked up and frowned. "Mommy, what did you do to your hair?"

"Mommy's hair had a little accident last night, Mike. I have to go have it cut this morning."

The little boy seemed satisfied with that answer and turned his attention to the scrambled eggs Logan was spooning onto his plate.

He came around the table and kissed Nina on the cheek. "Good morning, darlin'."

"Morning," she murmured quietly.

"What time does the beauty parlor open?"

"At eight. I'm going to have be there on the dot and beg them to fit me in."

"How long do you think it will take?"

"It all depends on how long I have to wait. Why?"

"Well I have a few things I need to do this morning and I just want to make sure I get back in time to ride to the theater with you. I'll walk up to Flatbush Avenue with you once you bring Mike next door."

When breakfast was done Nina went to drop off Mike at Mrs. Lieberman's while Logan cleaned up the breakfast dishes.

Mrs. L smiled brightly when she opened the door. "Ah, Nina. Mazel Tov on your engagement, as I was telling Mr. Logan last night. This is such wonderful news. But, dear, he tells me you haven't set a date yet." She winked at the younger woman. "I honestly don't know how you can wait."

Nina shook her head in amusement. She heard Logan chuckle behind her. He swaggered towards her, a playful smirk on his face.

"I don't know how you can wait either, darlin'."

She slipped her arm through his. "Well then, maybe we should add another stop to this morning's agenda."

Logan left Nina at the beauty parlor and arranged to meet her in an hour. His errands took him a little longer than that and she was waiting outside when he got back.

She was grinning ear to ear; her hat perched jauntily on her head. He could see that they'd had to cut her hair to just about collar length in order to even it out but crisp little curls now framed her face and brushed her nape. A side part swept over into a little pompadour that ended in a perky curl over her right eye. She did a little pirouette as he approached her to show off.

He hugged her to him. "You're absolutely gorgeous," he whispered against her ear. She tilted her head up to him and he gently claimed her lips.

"Now what was this other stop you wanted to add to the agenda?"

"Dr. Carlson for blood tests," she said smiling. "Once we have them we can get married any time you want. Oh but you have to give me at least one day off to make something to wear," she added.

"Fair enough, beautiful!" He kissed her again. He stopped walking and dropped to one knee in front of her.

She giggled nervously. "Logan, what are you doing? We're in the middle of Flatbush Avenue. People are staring!" She was beginning to blush.

"Can't wait, darlin'!" He reached into his pocket and pulled out a little velvet box. The lid was flipped up and inside Nina could see the most beautiful engagement ring she'd ever laid eyes on. "Nina Dillard, will you marry me?"

"You know I will you big dope!" He slid the ring on her finger and people around them began applauding. Logan stood up, a little sheepish now that he was aware of the scene he'd made.

Nina sighed and held up her hand to look at her ring. It was a beautiful round diamond solitaire prong set into a square setting and had little round diamonds of graduated sizes on either side of the platinum band.

"It's not a real big diamond, darlin', only a third of a carat but it's flawless. I bought the best I could find."

She hugged him tightly. "Logan, I wouldn't care if it was only a little diamond chip if it came from you but it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. It fits perfectly too!"

"That was one of my errands this morning. Now, we were on our way to the doctor's office as I recall."

She pulled him by the arm. "C'mon you big lug. You're never getting out of marrying me now!"

CHAPTERS:   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   Epilogue

All references to characters belonging to the X-Men Universe are (c) and TM the Marvel Comics Group, 20th Century Fox and all related entities. All rights reserved. Any reproduction, duplication or distribution of these materials in any form is expressly prohibited. No money is being made from this archive. All images are also (c) and TM the Marvel Comics Group, 20th Century Fox and all related entities; they are not mine. This website, its operators and any content used on this site relating to the X-Men are not authorized by Marvel, Fox, etc. I am not, nor do I claim to be affiliated with any of these entities in any way.