Foreign Correspondence: Love Letters
Chapter 10

Disclaimer: The X-Men and Alpha Flight belong to Marvel. The movie belongs to Fox. Hotmail belongs to Microsoft. Belarus is an independent country and belongs to its citizens, mutant and otherwise. Bryn Mawr is a private women's college founded in 1885. It belongs to the women, mutant and otherwise, who have lived and learned there for the past 116 years. The Miami Herald is a real newspaper but AFAIK has never had an Adam Greenfield on staff. I do feel like Scott and Logan are a little bit mine since I've been borrowing them for so long.

"Si bon, mon coeur." Jean-Paul whispered in Adam's ear, pushing deep inside him.

Adam was underneath, one leg up over Jean-Paul's shoulder, the other round his waist. His hands were holding Jean-Paul's ass and he was pushing up to meet him and pushing down with his hands to pull him deep inside. Jean-Paul rubbed the underside of Adam's leg with his hand, kissing him as he fucked him hard. His breathing became ragged and he was sweating, the tightening in his balls heralding orgasm. He broke off the kiss and put his head down next to Adam's, moving just the lower half of his body now, pumping hard and fast.

"That's it. Almost there. Come, love," Adam whispered in his ear, continuing to pull him deep with his hands, his leg, his voice.

Jean-Paul thrusted in once more and came, feeling the orgasm in waves of sensation. He stayed on Adam and in him for a minute, then pulled out. Jean-Paul kissed Adam on the forehead and said, "Don't go anywhere," getting out of bed to dispose of the condom. He was quickly back, got into bed with Adam and pulled him close.

"Si bon," Jean-Paul said again. "To have you here for real. Your voice but not just your voice - it's so good, Adam. Vraiment, I didn't know it could feel like this."

"Me, neither. I love what you do to me, Jean-Paul." And, after a pause, "I was scared it wouldn't be so good in person. Anticlimactic or we wouldn't be compatible or something. Did you?" Jean-Paul shook his head. "Don't you ever worry about anything?"

Northstar laughed. "I used to, but since knowing you I've stopped. It seems to me, mon ami, that you have that part covered. You certainly worry enough for two, Adam." Adam smiled at that. "Anyway, it was beyond the realm of possibility that we wouldn't be sexually compatible. I've never talked as much about sex with anyone as I have with you. I think we've told each other everything there is to know. Not to mention all the practicing we've been doing over the phone. And before you tell me that was another worry," he added hastily, seeing Adam's expression, "I wasn't concerned that there wouldn't be any mystery left. There's always some mystery; there will always be more to learn about each other. And it's just so exciting, so satisfying, so *joyeux* to finally be with you." He sighed happily. "Phone sex doesn't compare."

"Yeah, the only advantage to the phone is no latex."

"Well, I'm hoping we won't need that in a while, either."

"From your mouth to God's ear, as they say. But I wouldn't hold my breath. Do you ever think about the fact that this epidemic's been going on our whole lives, Jean-Paul? I think about the early AIDS activists, lobbying for money for research, thinking a cure was just around the corner if only the government would be willing to allot money to combat a disease that was killing a bunch of faggots. And inventing safer sex techniques to stay alive for the interim. I'm sure none of them ever thought we'd still be relying on condoms to stop the spread almost thirty years later. And none of them are alive to comment on the irony of this stop-gap measure lasting longer than they did. "It's disheartening how little progress has been made. Treatments are better, but none of the cures or vaccines that keep hitting the news has lived up to its promise. I know I don't have to tell you that. You've been hit by this disease from hell as hard as any of us." Adam kissed Jean-Paul gently on the cheek. "But I don't think anybody is going to be able to throw away the condoms for the foreseeable future."

"I hope you're wrong but I fear you're right," Jean-Paul, answered, snuggling closer. "But that's not what I meant, anyway. We're both negative. And I know we can't be sure, but we could be in a few months if we retest. If neither of us does it with anybody else, that is. I know I don't want anybody else. If you feel the same, well, maybe we can just throw the condoms away after a while." Adam didn't say anything. "Or am I moving too quickly again?"

Adam took a long breath. "I think so. I believe that's how you feel now, Jean-Paul, but I'm not so sanguine that it will last. Wait and see what happens when Kolya gets to Canada. See if you feel the same way."

"I'm not interested in Kolya other than as a friend. I don't know how many more ways I can tell you that. We were lovers at a certain time in my life. I was very young. I didn't know so well what I was looking for. Now I do." He kissed Adam deeply. "What about you? He was your lover, too."

"Oh, just barely," Adam's voice sounded wry. "He picked me up at Klub Babylon that time because of Sasha, I'm convinced. I don't even know if he was attracted to me at all. I do know he thought an American reporter would have the contacts he needed to get Sasha out of the country if he managed to break him out of the camp."

"Are you sorry you helped him? It was a very brave thing you did, Adam."

"Oh, I'm glad I did it. No regrets. We did save Sasha's life. And I think the articles are having an effect - I do think we're swaying public opinion. We may be able to save some more lives. If it's not too late, that is," he added with a weary sigh. "But I have no illusions about Kolya's feelings about me. Or about my courage, or lack thereof. I was terrified through the whole thing. I got seduced into it. I was thinking with my gonads, not my brain. Not my usual mode."

"Oh, but maybe good to do occasionally, no? But not with Kolya, mon amour, with me." Then, after a pause, "Does it feel strange to you to share an ex-lover like that?"

"A little. And I'm sorry, but I can't help worrying that it's not totally over between you two. Yes, I know you've told me so many times that you aren't interested in him any more. But he never got over you, Jean-Paul. He talks about you all the time. And you broke up because of his anti-mutant feelings, didn't you? Well, he's certainly redeemed himself. Look at him now - Nikolai Ivankov, mutant rights freedom fighter."

"He's not who I want, Adam. I think I've wanted you since the first time I saw you on TV. I love your passion, your intelligence. The way you think, the way you move. All of it. All of you.

"Kolya *has* redeemed himself and I hope he's okay. But I'm not going back to him, even if you're right and he still wants me. I don't know how to convince you, but you're the one I love. And you seem to have this neurotic need to be Humphrey Bogart in Casablanca. But I'm not willing to play Ingrid Bergman's part just to indulge it."

"Not even so I can say 'We'll always have Saskatchewan'?" Jean-Paul shook his head, laughing. "Okay. I believe you."

"I think I'm more of a Claudette Colbert type, anyway."

"My, what a big dick you have, Claudette."

Jean-Paul laughed again. His hand strayed to Adam's hardening cock. "Movie star talk makes you hard, hein? Or is it just being with me? We're so good together, Adam." He kissed him on the mouth, rubbing their tongues together. "I want to suck your cock again. Would you like that?"

"S'il vous plait. Is that right?"

"Not quite. It's close. We'll work on the finer points later." And then he didn't say anything more, his mouth being otherwise occupied.


"Oh, God. Your mouth. So good, so hot. Yes, like that. All the way in. Oh!"

Arthur lay back on the bed. Wendy got up and sat down next to him. She looked down at his smiling face, stroking his leg gently. "Feel good?"

"Great. The most fun I've ever had without laughing."

"We're moving on from Heinlein to Woody Allen?" Arthur patted the bed and she lay down next to him, one leg over his. He put his arms around her.

"You're so good at that," he said happily.

"Scott's been giving me lessons. Good to have a qualified teacher visiting, no?" He laughed. "Getting a little more comfortable with the Scott and Logan thing, Arthur? Okay to make jokes about it?"

"Hey, I was never *un*comfortable. I'm a secure kind of guy. My sexuality isn't threatened by people who are different. Well, not much, anyway," he said and she laughed. "I just didn't like feeling outnumbered."

"Yeah, that's right. Heterosexuals must always be in the majority. Everywhere. And non-mutants, too, right?"

"TouchÈ. Well, you're more used to it than I am, since you went to a women's college."

"Yeah, it was a hotbed of homosexuality. I can't count how many women I had at Bryn Mawr."

"Really, Wen?"

"No, Arthur. Do you think I wouldn't have mentioned it before now? But you're right - there are lots of out lesbians at women's colleges. And so you learn to get along in mixed groups. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to be a mutant underground. Maybe we would have educated more by being open."

"Like we did back home in Vermont?" He couldn't keep the bitterness out of his voice so he thought he'd better change the subject. "Anyway, we're split right down the middle now. Two straight couples, two gay ones. At least for now."

"Yeah, I don't know how long Adam is staying. I really like him, Arthur, more than I expected to. I was starting off with the idea that there's no man out there good enough for Jean-Paul. Well, with the possible exception of you, paragon that you are, but we've already established that you are hopelessly heterosexual. And taken. But Adam's great - insightful, smart, caring, funny. And they are so adorable together."

"Don't say that in front of them, Wen. I don't think grown men like being adorable. I agree they seem perfect for each other, though. And April seems to have taken a real shine to Adam, too. "

"Yes, after getting off to a bad start. You should have heard her the other morning when we came downstairs. She toddled into the living room and found some strange man kissing *her* Jean-Paul and let out a wail that would wake the dead. Of course you slept through it, my love," she added with an indulgent smile. "But she's definitely warmed to him, taken him into the fold. I think she'll let Jean-Paul keep him after all." She sighed happily, taking Arthur's hand and putting it to her crotch. "Just stroke me gently, Arthur, just all around my cunt. Mmm. It's so nice just hanging in bed like this. When Scott's here keeping Logan occupied, we all get a break."

"Yeah. Feel good like that?"

"Mmm hmm. Just easy for now. Just touch me and chat with me."

"Two of my favorite things. So how do you think Adam feels about being here? I mean I can tell he's thrilled to be with Jean-Paul, but the whole setup must feel strange to him, I think."

"For sure. I think he's starting to relax with us, though. He was definitely overwhelmed the first couple of days. I don't think he's ever been around so many mutants at once. I think he didn't like being outnumbered, either. But he's getting used to it. And that's good. If we're creating a new society, it's got to be one where we can live together. We don't even know that April's going to grow up to be a mutant. We can't have these distinctions. People of good will have to be able to learn to live with differences. I think Adam feels that way, too. I hope so."

"Well, if not yet, you'll set him straight. I bet you'll be quoting Blake to him before the week is out."

"You want to bet I haven't yet?"

"Sure. I bet even you would wait a little longer before you start reciting utopian poetry at the poor overwhelmed guy. I think you'll give him a few days before you convince him we're building the new Jerusalem here." He paused, still stroking her. "So, will you tell me if I win my bet? Or are you going to tell me to put my money where my mouth is?"

"No, I'm going to tell you to put your mouth where your hand is."


"Mmm. Your tongue. Yes. And put your fingers inside." She took his hand and guided it to her opening while he licked all around her clit. She rose a little from the chair, her hips moving up to meet him as two fingers pushed inside her.

He stayed there, on his knees, holding her ass with the other hand, sucking and licking and fucking her with his fingers. She ran her fingers through his hair and then clutched his wings with both hands. Rocking together, Laura and Warren continued their rhythmic movements until she dissolved in moans of pleasure and release. He pulled his fingers out but kept his head between her legs for another minute. Then just sort of settled down on the floor, sitting down with his head resting on her lap. His wings draped over them both, slowly beating.

"Like that?" he asked.

"Couldn't you tell?"

He smiled. "I missed that so much when we were in Belarus. I could barely stand seeing you and not being able to touch you."

"Me, too." Laura stroked his hair for a while and sighed. "I really should be working, you know. I came in here to finish my cataloguing project."

"Well, you looked so delicious sitting at that desk, I couldn't resist. And you are," he added happily. "Anyway, you have a couple more days, don't you?"

"Yeah, I think so. Scott said we'd go back pretty soon. I think he's waiting to hear from Pyotr, waiting to find out if Kolya got out okay and whether the kids are coming here or Westchester."

"Oh, he could wait for news back home as easily as here. I think he just wants to be with Logan a bit longer." Warren laughed. "You should have heard how adamant he was that things were over between them."

"I missed that whole chapter, I guess." She paused. "So, Warren, have you decided what you're going to do?"

"I guess I'm going to stop being an ex-X-Man and be an X-Man again. Well, if that's what it takes to be with you, anyway. And maybe I'll like it. Other than having to pretend you and I weren't together, it felt good being on the team again. And you - well it's like you were born for it."

"Why didn't those career counselors tell me I'm cut out for the hero biz, instead of recommending library school? That's what I want to know."

Warren smiled a little. "Well, now you get to do both. Although I think you'll find the library at the Academy's even more of a mess than this one. You'll have your work cut out for you. In between missions, that is."

"Well, I have my work cut out for me here, and I'd better finish." He stood up and so did she, smoothing her skirt. Laura bent over the desk, reaching for the book she had been about to catalogue when Warren had distracted her.

"The work can wait," Warren murmured, right behind her, mouth against her ear. He pulled her skirt back up, bending her over the desk. "You're so wet, Laura," he said, stroking her lips with one hand while he unzipped his pants with the other. "Let me in."


"You want it real hard? Like that?"

"Oh, yes. Ride me hard, Logan." Bent over the desk, Scott was having difficulty staying still while Logan moved in him hard and fast. Logan had one hand on Scott's hip, the other at his mouth. Scott sucked two of Logan's fingers into his mouth and held onto the desk with both hands to steady himself.

Logan whispered in Scott's ear while he slid his hand over, stroking Scott's balls with two fingers. "You like it when I fuck you hard, don't you? You want me deep inside you. Should I hold your hard dick, too? Should I rub it while I'm pounding in you?" Scott nodded his head, still sucking hard on Logan's fingers, trembling a little as Logan's hand encircled his erection and started pumping him.

Logan lowered his head, putting his mouth to the place where Scott's neck met his shoulder. Scott could feel him all over. The fingers in his mouth, the dick pushing in his ass, the mouth sucking on his neck, fist round his hard-on, Logan's whole body pressed against him. He felt like he wasn't sure where Logan left off and his own body started, almost like they were one organism. A beast with two backs.

Scott opened his mouth as he came, Logan's name sounding loud in his ears, in a voice that seemed not quite his own. Logan's hand slipped down to the desk and then he put both hands over Scott's, flat on the desk. He folded his fingers in between Scott's and fucked him fast and deep. The sounds he was making were barely human, somewhere in between breathing hard and growling. With a final thrust he came, the growls mixing with the SNIKT in Scott's ears.

Logan pulled the claws out of the desk and retracted them. He put his arms around Scott, kissed him on the back of the neck and just stayed there a minute. Then he pulled out, still breathing hard.

Scott ran a finger over one of the gashes in the desk. "Now your desk looks like mine," he said. "Were you trying to make me feel more at home?"

Logan smiled, touched the red spot at Scott's neck. "I left a mark on you, too," he said. "But it'll go away soon."

"I think you left your mark on me a long time ago. It hasn't gone away yet."

Logan took Scott by the hand and led him over to the bed. They lay down together, side by side. Logan looked up at the ceiling. "I guess I'm getting a bunch of kids here after all," he said, "and for more than spring break."

"Is it decided? Last I heard Charles was still trying to work out some way for them to come to Westchester."

"Nah, that fell through. He called before, when you were out. He was able to get visas for them through his contacts in Washington, but they wouldn't be able to stay at the school there. They'd be wards of the State and end up in foster homes. Well, those kids have been through enough without getting split up now. They can come here. We'll manage."

"I'll help. We'll work out some sort of curriculum for them - mostly they need to learn English, I guess. And they're old enough to help with some of the work here. The older two, anyway. They'll have Pyotr with them. I know he said he'd come here if the kids had to. And maybe Kolya, too, if he's willing to stay here for a while. The kids are used to being with them - between the two of them they've taken care of them since the parents were taken off to the camps. "

"Are you sure their parents are dead, Scott?"

"Yeah. Kolya has another camp refugee with him now. He saw them killed." Neither of them said anything for a while.

"You're going home soon, aren't you?"

"I have to. I wish I didn't, Logan."

"I know. That's how it's always been with us, right? More time apart than together. But we make the most of the time together, don't we?"

"Yeah, we do." Scott smiled. "And I'll think of you back home.

'For thy sweet love remember'd such wealth bringsThat then I scorn to change my state with kings.'

I spend a lot of time remembering, Logan. I don't think much about feeling disgraced in Fortune and men's eyes any more."

"That's good, Scott. I think about you, too. We'll keep in touch."

"We're good at that." Scott traced a line down the middle of Logan's chest with his index finger. "I'm taking Laura with me - she's agreed to join the X-Men. I think Warren will sign up again, too. So, give some thought to who you want here and how many. And what kind of skills you need."

"Let's wait and see how it goes with the Sudak kids. The professor said they'd be here in a few days. They're waiting in Vilnius with Pyotr. Kolya should be joining them soon - Jean-Paul said he got word that Kolya's documents had come through. He should be able to get over the border now."

Logan put his arms around Scott, pulled him close. Scott kissed him on the cheek and the neck. "I wish I could leave a mark on you," he said, after a while.

"I got plenty of marks on me. They just don't show. The ones you left are the good ones." He fingered the ruddy spot on Scott's neck again. Leaned over him. Then the phone rang. Logan answered and passed it to Scott.

Scott didn't say much, but it was clear from the look on his face that it was bad news. He hung up and just sat there in silence. "What happened?"

"Kolya Ivankov is dead. He wasn't content to just leave with the forged papers we got to him. He tried to take one more mutant refugee with him. The one who had been staying with him - the guy who knew the Sudaks. He and Kolya were both shot trying to get over the border." His face was grim.

"What happens now?"

"Much the same. The Sudak kids and Pyotr come here, try to settle in. Another loss for children who've lost too much. Another loss for a country that's lost too many."

"How do you think Jean-Paul's going to deal? Do you think he still had feelings for him?"

"I don't think so. It's still going to be a shock." Scott thought a bit. "I think it's Sasha that's going to be hit hardest. Hey, Logan, I think I'm going to need Jean-Paul to come back with me. Sasha is going to need his support, his friendship. Somebody who knew Kolya, you know? Can you spare him for a while?"

"Yeah, sure. Whatever you think is best." Neither of them said anything for a while. "Are you going to go tell Jean-Paul? And the others?"

"Not yet. In a little while. Right now I can't deal with it. I don't want to think about any of this - not Kolya dying, not the mutants that are still in those camps, not living in a country that would split those kids up and farm them out to foster homes rather than let them be cared for by their own kind. Make me forget about it, Logan. Just for a little while. I need that."

"I'll give you what you need, Cyclops." He lowered his face to Scott's.

CHAPTERS:   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11

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