Fiction by Character
Stories Featuring Nightcrawler
A Candle in the Darkness by Lamashtar
Comicverse. Nightcrawler reflects on his coming Brood metamorphosis; Wolverine decides not to let it happen.
Logan/Nightcrawler. Rated PG.
Cusp by Nix
Movieverse. Companion to Scribe and Scroll. Post X2. Kurt and Logan discuss sex, sin, and the boundaries between them.
Logan/Nightcrawler. Rated G.
Scribe and Scroll by Nix
Movieverse. Post X2. Kurt thinks about scars, and Logan drops by for a chat.
Logan/Nightcrawler. Rated G.
Not Less Than Everything by Rex Luscus
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
Comicverse. The beginning, the middle, and the end of a relationship. Not necessarily in that order.
Logan/Nightcrawler. Rated NC17.
A Tail's Tale by Shade
Alternaverse. Part One of the A Mind of Their Own series. Nightcrawler's tail has a mind of it's own literally. It's a day in the life of Kurt like you've never seen.
Nightcrawler. Rated G.
Like This by Te
Comicverse. Logan doesn't know what's going on.
Logan/Nightcrawler. Rated NC17.
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