Fiction by Author
Pen Names Beginning With the Letter M
Beauty on the Fire by Manda
Alternate Movieverse. Post X2. It's 2 A.M., there is a thunderstorm, the power is out and someone else is awake.
Logan/Original Character. Rated NC17.
For All of Time by Manda Mizuno Am
Although Kate never really believed Leopold, let's say that she did and that she realized that she might just have to let him go.
Kate and Leopold. Rated G.
To Tame a Wolverine by Mara Greengrass
Movieverse. Recipe to tame a Wolverine - first, find a Wolverine...
Logan/Jubilee. Rated PG.
Change by Marie
Movieverse. Every once in awhile, everyone needs a change. Even Logan.
Logan. Rated G.
Fatherhood by Marie
Alternaverse. Logan finds a surprise package on the front steps of the mansion.
Logan. Rated PG13.
Blades by Meghan
Movieverse. When Logan stabs Marie.
Logan. Rated G.
Deck The Malls by Mercutio
Comicverse. As Wolverine takes Jubilee shopping on Christmas Eve, the X-Men learn a little about the real meaning of Christmas. Whatever that is.
Logan/Jubilee. Rated PG.
Dividing Loyalty by Mercutio
Comicverse. What if Wolverine were dating someone who doesn't know that he cares about her, but does realize that she can't step between him and his friends?
Logan/Original Character. Rated PG13.
The Dragon and St. Gambit by Mercutio
Alternaverse. Sequel to True Confessions of a Firecracker. After consummating his relationship with Jubilee, Wolverine discovers that Jubilee planned the whole thing and leaves her. When Gambit decides to intervene between an estranged Wolverine and Jubilee, will the results be positive?
Logan/Jubilee. Rated R.
From Professor X, With Love by Mercutio
Alternaverse. Sequel to Revenge is a Dish Best Served by Generation X. When Xavier is hit by telepathic backlash, the X-Men on hand at the mansion are affected in a deeply sexual manner.
Logan/Jubilee/Gambit. Rated NC17.
Painting the Wolverine Red by Mercutio
Alternaverse. An older Jubilee knows what she wants, and she's prepared to do what she needs to get it. But when 'it' is Wolverine, who's going to come out on top?
Logan/Jubilee. Rated NC17.
Revenge is a Dish Best Served by Generation X by Mercutio
Alternaverse. Sequel to The Dragon and St. Gambit. After Wolverine and Jubilee reconcile, they still have the wrath of Generation X to deal with. Will the team be able to forgive Wolverine as easily as Jubilee did?
Logan/Jubilee. Rated NC17.
True Confessions of a Firecracker by Mercutio
Alternaverse. Sequel to Painting the Wolverine Red. After consummating their relationship, Wolverine and Jubilee must come clean to the rest of the X-Men.
Logan/Jubilee. Rated NC17.
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